Si tuviera que pintar mi autorretrato me representaría con pequeños gusanitos verdes saliéndome de los puntos negros de la nariz, con un sombrero de aviador y un bigote postizo. Me pondría anteojos de colores, los labios bien rojos y una corneta saliendo de la oreja izquierda. Mis pestañas me harían cosquillas en la frente, mientras un mono tití intenta ahorcarme con una corbata de colores. Tendría puesto un saco de piel, aros de miel y colmillos.
Algo así:
Self por trait
If I had to paint my self-portrait, I would represent myself with little green worms coming out of the blackheads of my nose, with an aviator's cap and a fake mustache. I would wear colour glasses, red lips and a party trumpet in my left ear. My eyelashes would tickle my forehead, while a marmoset would try to choke me with a colourful tie. I would be wearing a fur coat, honey earrings and vampire fangs.
If I had to paint my self-portrait, I would represent myself with little green worms coming out of the blackheads of my nose, with an aviator's cap and a fake mustache. I would wear colour glasses, red lips and a party trumpet in my left ear. My eyelashes would tickle my forehead, while a marmoset would try to choke me with a colourful tie. I would be wearing a fur coat, honey earrings and vampire fangs.
Something like this.