14. Time Management

I eat all day
I lay in bed for hours, trying to decide if I want to read a book or on-line comics.
I read, in average, a book every week.

Still, I work. My main job occupies thirty hours of my week, or more. My second job normally takes between eighteen and twenty-two hours weekly, but let's say twenty. That would be not taking in consideration the time that takes me going to work: for the main one it would be about half an hour per weekday, a total of two and a half hours. For the second job, around six hours per week. So far, we are counting fifty-eight and a half hours of my week.
I have a third and a fourth job -though the most important ones to me- that take me in average five hours a week. Sixty-three and a half.
I shower and epilate every weekday, which takes me around one hour -I know, I'm very relaxed about it. Sixty-eight and a half hours.
Every day I exercise for one hour. Seventy-five and a half hours.
Every weekday morning, I take at least half an hour to have breakfast and read newspaper articles out loud, to improve my pronunciation in French and Italian. Seventy-eight. Every weekday I study half an hour of German (eighty and a half) and half an hour of guitar (eighty-three). Every weekend, I go to a coffee shop to have breakfast and read whichever book is consuming my brain at the moment, for nearly one hour (eighty-five), I sleep around eight hours every day. One hundred and forty-one hours.
The week has one hundred and sixty-eight hours. What do I do with the lasting twenty-seven? I cook, I do my laundry once a week, I go to the bank and keep my personal accountancy, I draw, do collages and write short stories, I answer e-mails, I engage in projects, I watch short films and one long movie everyday (well, not every day, but sometimes I watch two, to keep it balanced), I maintain a constant social life with people in my home country, I go partying with my local friends once or twice a week and -one of my favourites- I manage to keep my list of personal belongings short, clean and organized. And I do slug around in bed.
When do I live? I just told you. Beginner's mistake: life only happens during -so called- "free time". Well, I feel free all of my time. Working is life: is social, is creative, is entertaining (proportions depend on what you actually do); on the way to and from work we happen to be alive as well. Showering is part of existence, too (during winter, one of my favourite ones). So is eating ("Amen!" for that), and even doing laundry. Add here a long list of etceteras.

People blames it on time a lot. Poor time... and then when they have some extra, they want to kill it.
When people tell me they want to learn something new but can't because they're too busy, it's because of this life I have that I believe it's only an excuse, an excuse to one self, a product of denial. The same for student's who "can't work", or for those who "don't have the time" to work out, or to read. I never say anything. I just say "Oh, too bad", and nod, and carry on with the conversation. I don't want to convert anybody (maybe I don't have the energy because I do so many things), but I know it's an excuse.

How do I manage to do so many things? Is a lack of laziness? I don't think so, I know me really well, and I know I'm lazy, really lazy. If I wasn't lazy I would be doubling my activities.
The question is not how I manage to do so many things, the real question is what the fuck is everybody else doing all the time?