When we conquer laziness we will conquer our fates. It's obvious. If I conquered laziness, I would write beautiful stories every day, every hour, words would flow through my fingers like metaphors in a good writing.
Self-discipline is our only hope, for us who were born lazy and lazy will die, because that is the way we were designed, that is the way evolution helped us to save energy and survive, by eating highly nutritious meals and sleeping all winter, and not by learning German on our free time; by achieving low objectives the easy way, and not by challenging ourselves to improve.
Self-improvement makes no sense, in a purely strict survival scheme. Writing wouldn't have anything to do with my nourishing and reproduction. Neither would smoking. Or visiting Prague.
What is so logical in nature, is such a restrain in the modern futuristic life. Because we want to learn German, and be artists, and work out every day. But it is easier to eat almonds, sleep and read a book.
What we understood, after millenniums of philosophical despair, is that maybe surviving and reproducing ourselves is not enough, maybe we want to be a fictional character, or a historical figure, and we want to build an idea of our lives where we don't regret anything because we did everything we wanted to, and even tragedies were highly important because of their dramatic inputs to the general story.
We wouldn't trade our life for somebody else's, right?
Now I have to go to my calendar and my to-do list, and build myself a working scheme. It' the only way I can achieve being a successful writer.